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Steps for Addressing a Chipped Tooth

August 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — templechoice @ 9:59 pm
Picture of a tooth with a crack in its crown

It can happen when you least expect it; you’re comfortably plopped on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn resting in your lap. As you’re enjoying your favorite snack, you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your mouth—a pesky, un-popped kernel has chipped one of your teeth! When this happens, seeking treatment from your emergency dentist should be your top priority. Here’s more from your dentist about what to do when you suffer a chipped tooth along with some treatments used to address the issue.

Steps for Addressing a Chipped Tooth

Here are some preliminary steps you can follow upon chipping a tooth:

  1. Contact Your Dentist Immediately – Your dentist will be able to determine when you need to be seen; even if you aren’t experiencing pain or discomfort, the tooth needs to be addressed quickly. Chipped teeth have weakened enamel and are much more vulnerable to decay, and serious infections can develop if left untreated.
  2. Rinse Out Your Mouth – If you can, immediately rinse out your mouth with warm water to help keep the affected area clean and clear of any blood, dirt, or other debris. If the part of your tooth that chipped off is still in your mouth, this can help to prevent you from accidentally swallowing or biting it.
  3. Stop the Bleeding – If there is any bleeding, you’ll need to apply pressure to the area with gauze or a clean towel. This will help to stop the bleeding and prevent you from swallowing excess blood! Do not scrub the affected area or irritate It further; steady pressure with minimal movement is all you need.
  4. Preserve the Tooth – If your tooth has separated from your mouth, locate it as quickly as possible to increase the likelihood of it being saved and replaced. If there are pieces of your tooth that need to be recovered, gather and store them in a protective container and bring them to your appointment.
  5. Manage the Pain – Applying a cold compress to the injured area can help to alleviate pain and reduce swelling. The cold also constricts your blood vessels and slows the blood flow to that part of the mouth, which can also help to stop any bleeding. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs can help, too.

Treatment Options for Broken or Chipped Teeth

There are several ways in which a dentist can choose to treat a chipped or broken tooth, depending on the severity of the damage. Some options include:

  • Porcelain veneers
  • Dental crowns
  • Dental fillings
  • Cosmetic dental bonding
  • Root canal therapy (if the broken tooth’s pulp becomes infected)
  • Dental bridges or implants (for displaced teeth)

Of course, practicing good oral habits can also help to lower the likelihood of suffering a chipped tooth, which will save you a lot of trouble to begin with. That said, accidents can still happen! If you find yourself with a chipped tooth, don’t wait to contact your dentist immediately and follow these steps.

About the Practice

The team at Temple Choice Dental is honored to serve the dental needs of patients and families in the Temple, TX area under the leadership of four skilled specialists: Dr. Daood Alvi, Dr. Sileshi Assemu, Dr. Shruti Sharma, and Dr. Simrat Sehmi. Together they combine several decades of experience to provide their patients with an elite level of dental care. The practice is proud to offer many available services including emergency dentistry. If you or a loved one has suffered a chipped tooth, don’t hesitate to call to schedule a visit: (254) 727-7144.

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