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Holiday Stress Can Leave Your Dental Health Suppressed; Here’s How

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — templechoice @ 11:06 pm
Man has dental pain

Nobody’s going to tell you that the holiday season isn’t without its own special stress points. Many people are racing to the stores to get that last gift before it’s out of stock and others are rushing to make sure everything is in order for the holiday feast. Stress has long been known to be able to affect the health of the body, and holiday anxiety is no different. Here’s a brief guide to how seasonal stress can affect your dental health and a few tips for protecting your teeth from harm.

Teeth Grinding, Also Called Bruxism

Many people grind their teeth or clench their jaws as a response to stress. Some do this consciously while they are awake, and others do it involuntarily while sleeping. The strain of the teeth being forced against each other can cause chips, cracks, and erosion of the enamel. If this happens frequently enough, this can also lead to dental infections that may require root canals.

If you find yourself with the urge to grind your teeth while waiting for the line at the electronics store to move, try chewing a piece of sugar-free gum instead. If you grind your teeth in your sleep, you can get a mouthguard from your dentist that will absorb much of the force and prevent damage.

Canker Sores, Also Known as Mouth Ulcers

Canker sores usually develop inside the mouth. They are not contagious and often result from trauma such as biting or injuring the soft tissues in your mouth, but they can also arise as a physiological reaction to stress. You might find these developing in the days before that 20-hour drive to get to the family gathering. While canker sores are annoying, they usually disappear within a week or two and can be treated by many products commonly found at grocery stores and pharmacies.

While the holidays are a stressful time of year, there are a few things about them that can push a lot of people too hard. Knowing what to do about these issues when they happen can help you get to the holidays a little more comfortably.

About the Practice

Temple Choice Dental delivers dazzling dental health results to the community of Temple, TX. Led by Drs. Daood Alvi, Sileshi Assemu, Shruti Sharma, and Simrat Sehmi, the staff pursues excellence in all aspects of dental work and customer service. Areas of expertise include general, pediatric, cosmetic, restorative, and emergency dentistry. For more information on protecting your teeth during the holidays, contact the office online or dial (254) 727-7144.

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